U.S. Thanksgiving Thoughts 2013 – Gratitude Resolutions
We’d like to wish all of our wonderful readers from the United States a very happy Thanksgiving! November 28th marks the Thanksgiving Day Holiday in the US and with that, there are some thoughts we’d like to share.
You know, it’s wonderful to be both healthy on the inside and beautiful on the outside, but without happiness in our lives, there is something most definitely missing. And perhaps this is a great day to reflect on the concept that thankfulness and gratitude is a key component of inner happiness. One of our favourite motivational speakers and writers, Brian Tracy puts it this way:
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
You can learn about the most healthy foods and supplements that can help keep you healthy or help you with maladies that you suffer from, and you can also be the most beautiful or handsome person in the world, but if you’re not thankful and happy inside, then there is still quite a bit of work to do.
Gratitude & Happiness
Today, Thanksgiving Day, is often a traditional day in the US where friends and family will get to together and share what they are thankful for. But did you know that there is scientific evidence that practicing thankfulness on a daily basis and not just one day a year, can make you a happier person?
Psychology professor Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis has conducted numerous studies on this subject and he has concluded that seeking out an “attitude of gratitude” is almost guaranteed to make one a happier person, regardless of their circumstances in life. Emmons has published the results of his studies in a number of peer reviewed journals including Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology (Gratitude as a human strength: Appraising the evidence.) and Psychological Bulletin (Is gratitude a moral affect?).
Thanksgiving Day Resolution
New Years is often considered the time when we think about making resolutions for the new year. Why not today, on Thanksgiving Day, make a resolution that you will practice sincere thankfulness and gratitude each and every day? One way to do this is to set aside ten or fifteen minutes each and every day, alone with yourself. It could be out on a walk, or in a room you enjoy. Perhaps sitting outside in your yard, and looking around and taking time to notice what is beautiful. Then, reflecting on all the things you have to be thankful for.
If you do this every day, you will find your stress levels to those circumstances that are negative to you will have less effect, especially if you practice everyday.
Another additional activity you could consider is to keep a “Gratitude Journal” – all you need is a small notebook – where you write down everything you can think of for which you are thankful for.
If you feel comfortable, leave us a message in the comments and tell us what you are thankful for and whether you agree it’s a wonderful idea to take a few minutes, each and every day, no matter how the day has gone, not only reminding yourself of what you are thankful for, but practicing true gratitude towards those things, people, events and experiences.
And from Healthy, Happy Beautiful, Happy Thanksgiving to You! We are thankful for you!
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