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While we provide information on the latest research and products, any recommendations should not be misconstrued as guarantees, that using or taking any of the products, supplements, herbs or any other suggestions to curing or improving any medical condition that you have.

We do provide information that many have found to be helpful and that has worked.

Your health is also a state of mind, and our focus and articles include information on staying happy, and living a great healthy lifestyle.

If you have a medical condition that you are concerned about, we recommend that you seek the guidance and opinion of a qualified medical doctor.

If you feel that you are presently experiencing an emergency or life threatening condition, you are advised to call the appropriate emergency phone number in your area (911 in North America, 999 in United Kingdom, Kingdom of Swaziland, Ireland, Poland, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Macau, Bahrain, Qatar, Bangladesh, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, Zimbabwe, and Trinidad and Tobago, 112 in the European Union).

Many of the claims made for some products have never been evaluated by the US FDA, and likely never will be for financial and political reasons. However, just because there is no scientific evidence for something does not mean it does not work or that there is no evidence whatsoever. This is not the same as scientific evidence that proves something is toxic or bad for you.

For example, before aspirin tablets were invented, there was no scientific evidence that a key ingredient in birch bark or that sipping birch bark tea could help relieve pain and headaches.  Today, we know that birch bark and leaves contain salicylate, the key ingredient in aspirin tablets.  Before there was scientific evidence for the ability of salicylate in birch, would you have listened to someone claiming, “there is no scientific evidence and the FDA has not evaluated that claim?” and stopped drinking your birch tea for your headaches?

As well, every individual is different and not all things work the same or equally well for each person. That is also why we have a variety of  pharmaceutical pain killers and drugs, many of which target certain conditions. When one does not work as prescribed, often a doctor will experiment and prescribe something else that has reportedly worked in others.

With that said, we cannot stress enough that you should seek medical assistance if you have a medical concern, and if you believe it is urgent, please get yourself to the Emergency Ward of your local hospital.


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